Lightcast Data

Data for the Next Move Forward

Comprehensive, accurate information from every angle to give the most complete, nuanced, up-to-date picture of the labor market possible. We deliver clarity to enterprise and staffing, education institutions, and regional leaders.

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An Unparalleled View of the Labor Market

At Lightcast, our comprehensive data includes the most detailed information on skills, jobs, supply, and demand throughout the global labor market. With over 20 years of experience, we have the expertise to help you understand the present and anticipate and adapt for the future.

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How it works


We gather the data that's relevant to your goals

Lightcast Data is a combination of labor market information, job postings, global data, skills data, compensation data, + online profiles.


We give data the Lightcast treatment

Our team and tech clean, categorize, and draw meaning from the data. We turn millions of relevant inputs into actionable insights just for you.


We deliver the data + insights however they serve you best

Whether you’ve got great tech support or none, you can leverage the insights right away. Access ongoing training to gain confidence and solve more problems with data.

Lightcast data has the breadth and depth to power practical decisions.

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Employers can...

plan talent strategy, train their workforces, and find workers in a dynamic labor market

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Educators can...

plan curricula, ensuring the skills they teach are in demand and will launch graduates into satisfying careers

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Government Agencies can...

plan economic development strategies and guide job training programs

Take a closer look

View our Knowledge Base

An atlas of occupations and skills

The proprietary Lightcast Occupation Taxonomy covers nearly 2,000 occupations and over 30,000 skills, allowing us to make apples-to-apples comparisons between roles, whether they’re across occupations or across nations.

How our customers use it

The Lightcast skills taxonomy creates a common language for the world of work, helping connect employers, education institutions, communities, and individuals. Students and jobseekers can use Lightcast Skills to write better resumes and discover the top skills in demand. Colleges and universities can use Lightcast Skills to design and market work-relevant programs that help students communicate their skills to potential employers. Communities can use skills to describe the talent that businesses need, the abilities that local workers have, and any gaps between the two.

Product Spotlight

Our free Open Skills tools use this data to optimize resumes and job postings, helping match skills to occupations and workers to jobs.

BR Works skills selection

Delivered via APIs

All of the data referenced above is available through tools as well as APIs. Explore our full menu of APIs and find out more about how to get direct access to these datasets, as well as our proprietary taxonomies and models.

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Global in Scope

Lightcast solutions can solve problems almost anywhere you can imagine. Our database has information on over 150 countries for reference and consulting, while our global software products come ready with data on 28.

Countries use all kinds of different names and definitions to understand their own labor markets, so we solve this disparity by using our own taxonomy that unifies titles between countries and helps everyone speak the same language. 

Having this broad view helps you compare markets across borders, determine where your company might expand, and understand the local skills landscape all over the world. 

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Ready to put Lightcast data to work?